Design and implementation of a 10Gbit/s burst mode laser diode driver with sample and hold function
中文关键词: 万兆以太网无源光网络(10G EPON), 激光驱动器(LDD), 突发模式(BM), 802.3av, 采样保持
英文关键词: 10Gbit/s Ethernet passive optical networks (10G EPON), laser diode driver (LDD), burst mode (BM), 802.3av, sample and hold
林叶 东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所 南京 
朱恩 东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所 南京 
顾皋蔚 东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所 南京 
王健 中国科学院自动化研究所 北京 
刘文松 东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所 南京 
黄宁 东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所 南京 
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      采用0.18μm CMOS工艺成功设计并实现了一个10Gbit/s突发模式激光驱动器芯片,该芯片可应用于IEEE 802.3av标准所定义的对等速率万兆以太网无源光网络系统。此设计对突发模式调制和偏置电路进行了改进,减少了突发开启/关断的转换时间;片内集成了峰/谷值采样保持电路,降低了激光器自动功率控制的成本和复杂度。测试表明:芯片可工作在10.3125Gbit/s速率上;突发开启/关断转换时间均小于0.5ns,满足802.3av标准中时序参数的规定;在125μs的保持周期内,采样保持电路输出电压跌落小于
      A 10Gbit/s burst mode laser diode driver (LDD) was designed and successfully implemented using a 0.18μm CMOS process, which can be applied to the symmetric rate 10Gbit/s ethernet passive optical network (10G EPON) systems under the IEEE 802.3av standard. In this design, the burst mode modulation circuit and the bias circuit are improved to save the turn on/ off conversion time; peak/bottom sample and hold circuits are integrated to reduce the cost and complexity of the automatic power control (APC) system. The test shows that the LDD has a speed of 10.3125Gb/s; the burst turn on/ off delays are both less than 0.5ns, which meets the 10G EPON timing parameter definitions; the voltage drop of the sample and hold circuit is less than 0.5mV after a hold cycle of 125μs. The size of the laser diode driver IC is 675μm×875μm.
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