Kinematic dexterity measures for robot manipulators based on double quaternion
中文关键词: 机器人, 运动灵活性, 倍四元数, 条件数, 可操作度, 混合关节
英文关键词: robot, kinematic dexterity, double quaternion, condition number, manipulability, mixed joints
杜滨 北京工业大学机械工程与应用电子技术学院 
赵京 北京工业大学机械工程与应用电子技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 3046
全文下载次数: 2245
      In view of the fact that the dexterity evaluation on robots cannot be made due to the dimensional inhomogeneity of Jacobian, a new approach to formulation of the dimensional homogeneous Jacobian and kinematic dexterity measure for the robot with mixed joints is proposed. According to the double quaternion, the rotation and translation in three dimensional Euclidean spaces are converted to the pure rotation in four dimensional Euclidean spaces. The universal transformational expression of the link coordinate system is derived based on double quaternion. Then the kinematics model of robot is developed and the non dimensional Jacobian is obtained by this approach. Furthermore, a new performance index is proposed. The new approach can solve the dimensional inhomogeneity of Jacobian which occurs for robots with mixed joints. Finally, the kinematic dexterity of spatial 3R and the spatial RPR robot is analyzed by numerical simulation. The results show that this approach is not only applicable to the robot with same joints, but also to the robot with mixed joints.
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