李芹,徐雷钧,李伟.紧凑结构的宽带毫米波单片IQ混频器的设计[J].高技术通讯(中文),2012,22(12): |
紧凑结构的宽带毫米波单片IQ混频器的设计 |
Design of a highly compact broadband millimeter wave monolithic IQ mixer |
修订日期:2011-11-29 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: IQ混频器, 耦合器, 巴伦, 变频损耗, 镜像抑制度, 单片电路 |
英文关键词: IQ mixer, coupler, Balun, conversion loss, image rejection ratio, monolithic integrated |
基金项目:973计划(2010CB327404)和国家自然科学基金(60901012)资助项目 |
作者 | 单位 | 李芹 | 东南大学射频和光电集成电路研究所 南京 | 徐雷钧 | 东南大学射频和光电集成电路研究所 南京 | 李伟 | 东南大学射频和光电集成电路研究所 南京 |
摘要点击次数: 3665 |
全文下载次数: 2547 |
中文摘要: |
采用0.15μm砷化镓赝晶高迁移率场效应管工艺设计了一种结构紧凑的26~40GHz的毫米波无源单片电路IQ混频器。该混频器采用环形二极管和新颖的中频提取电路结构,并把螺旋型Marchand 巴伦(平衡 不平衡变换器)用于本振端和射频端,将单端信号转换成差分信号,极大地缩小了芯片的面积,整块芯片面积为1.5mm×1.35mm。芯片在片测试结果表明混频器性能良好,变频损耗在26~40 GHz射频频带范围内为-6.5~-13dB,中频带宽为DC~6GHz,镜像抑制度(IMRR)在18~26dB之间,本振到射频的 |
英文摘要: |
A highly compact 26 40GHz monolithic passive IQ mixer was designed and implemented by using a 0.15μm GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) process. The microwave monolithic integrated circuit of the mixer incorporates ring quad diodes and an advanced intermediate frequency (IF) extraction circuit, and it uses the spiral Marchand balanced to unbalanced transformer (Balun) to provide balanced radio frequency (RF) and local oscillator (LO) signals and reduce the die size. Its tolal size is less than 1.5mm×1.35mm. The on wafer measurement results show the mixer’s good performance below: a low conversion loss of -6.5 to -13dB, an image rejection of 18~26dB over a 26-40GHz RF bandwidth, and a DC-6GHz IF bandwidth. The IQ mixer also presents its high isolation performance: the LO RF isolation of more than 23dB, the LO IF isolation of no less than 29dB, and the RF IF isolation of more than 26dB. |
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