Performance analysis of decode and forward cooperative networks over asymmetric fading channels
中文关键词: 选择协作, 非对称信道, 独立非同分布, 解码转发, 莱斯衰落
英文关键词: selection cooperation, asymmetric fading channel, independent and non identical distribution, decode and forward, Rician fading
基金项目:高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金(708059),山东省自然科学基金(ZR2011FM027),山东大学自主创新基金(2012TS082, 2012ZD035, 2010JC007),移动通信国家重点实验室开放基金(2010D10)和综合业务网国家重点实验室开放基金(ISN 12 10)资助项目。
郑丽娜 山东大学信息科学与工程学院 济南;东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室 南京 
郭卫栋 山东大学信息科学与工程学院 济南 
刘琚 山东大学信息科学与工程学院 济南;东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室 南京 
刘玉玺 山东大学信息科学与工程学院 济南 
许宏吉 山东大学信息科学与工程学院 济南;东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室 南京 
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      针对非对称独立非同分布信道下的协作通信网络,进行了系统性能分析,系统信源 中继链路服从莱斯分布,中继 信宿链路服从瑞利分布。系统采用解码转发(DF)协议,并且从M个可用中继节点中选择性能排序位于第N优的中继节点转发信号。推导出了信宿端瞬时信噪比(SNR)的概率密度函数(PDF),并基于此函数给出了平均误符号率(SER)和信道容量的表达式。表达式适用于任意的M或N。仿真结果显示理论性能与实际性能很好吻合,验证了理论分析的正确性,并且表明第二跳参数是决定系统性能的关键。
      The selection cooperation performance of a cooperative communication network over asymmetric independent and non identical distributed fading channels was analyzed, where source relay channels experience Rician fading and relay destination channels experience Rayleigh fading. The decode and forward (DF) protocol was adopted and the Nth best relay was selected from M available relays. First, the probability density function (PDF) for the instantaneous signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the destination was derived. Then, it was used to derive the expressions for channel capacity and the average symbol error rate (SER). The results hold for arbitrary M or N. Finally, the simulations were carried out to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis. The results show that the parameters of the second hop are critical factors of the system.
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