DSCAU: a dominating set based clustering algorithm for data gathering in wireless sensor networks with unbalanced traffic load
中文关键词: 非均衡负载, 无线传感器网络(WSNs), 支配集, 分簇, 数据收集
英文关键词: unbalanced traffic load, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), dominating set, clustering, data gathering
奎晓燕 中南大学信息科学与工程学院 
张士庚 中南大学信息科学与工程学院 
王建新 中南大学信息科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 2935
全文下载次数: 2242
      针对无线传感器网络(WSNs)在负载不均衡即各节点数据量不相同情况下的数据收集问题进行了研究,提出了WSNs在负载不均衡下的新的基于支配集的分簇数据收集算法——DSCAU。运用DSCAU时,每个节点对自身剩余能量、节点邻居数量、自身和邻居产生的数据量等情况进行综合考虑来选举候选簇首。为避免正式簇首过多, 候选簇首根据自身邻居被其他候选簇首覆盖的数量,以反比概率成为正式簇首。同时为了均衡簇首的能量开销,对簇的规模进行了限制。理论分析和仿真实验表明,DSCAU在多跳情况下能有效延长网络生命周期,并且能保证所有节点均加入簇,从而提高成簇算法的覆盖率。
      Based on the considerations that existing data clustering algorithms for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) mainly pay attention to single hop networks while disregarding multi hop networks, and they usually assume that every node in the networks produces the same amount of data, the data gathering for WSNs with unbalanced traffic load was studied, and a novel dominating set based clustering algorithm for data gathering in WSNs with unbalanced traffic load, called the DSCAU, was proposed. In the use of the DSCAU, when electing the tentative cluster head, each node takes its remainder energy, its traffic load, the number of its neighbors, and the traffic loads of its neighbors into consideration. The tentative cluster head will become the final cluster head with a probability inversely proportional to the numbers of other tentative cluster heads that cover its neighbors. Furthermore, the size of clusters is restricted to balance the energy consumption among different cluster heads. The theoretical analyses and simulation results show that the DSCAU can effectively prolong the network lifetime in multi hop WSNs, meanwhile guaranteeing that all the nodes in the networks can join a cluster.
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