Rotational symmetry extraction based on local feature match
中文关键词: 旋转对称, 分割, 形状分布, 迭代最近点, 均值漂移, 逆向工程
英文关键词: rotational symmetry, segmentation, shape distribution, iterative closest point, mean shift, reverse engineering
白晓亮 西北工业大学现代设计与集成制造教育部重点实验室 
贺强 西北工业大学现代设计与集成制造教育部重点实验室 
张树生 西北工业大学现代设计与集成制造教育部重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 3116
全文下载次数: 2426
      An algorithm for extraction of rotational symmetry based on local feature match is presented to provide a new symmetric restriction extraction method for the feature based reverse engineering. The algorithm can be described below: Firstly, a model is segmented into the set of voxels which are corresponding to each feature based on its feature lines. Then, for each voxel, a shape distribution histogram is calculated with the D2 shape distribution function. By comparing each pair of shape distribution histogram using well know curve matching techniques,the voxels with the similar geometric shape are acquired and a set of symmetric voxels are constructed by the ones with a similar minimum bounding box. Finally, the symmetry is extracted by the algorithm of iterative closest point and optimized by the mean shift approach. The experimental result shows that the voxels of the segmentation corresponding to the features which are composed of the model have obvious engineering semantics and the extracted symmetry information is accurate and robust.
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