郝守青,刘奇,沈海华,章隆兵.二进制翻译控制转移的软硬件协同设计[J].高技术通讯(中文),2012,22(6):583~588 |
二进制翻译控制转移的软硬件协同设计 |
A hardware software co design method for control transfer optimization in binary translation system |
修订日期:2010-12-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 软硬件协同设计, 二进制翻译和优化, 控制转移, 龙芯, 指令集架构(ISA) |
英文关键词: hardware software co designed, binary translation and optimization, control transferring, Godson, instruction set architecture(ISA) |
基金项目:863计划(2008AA010901),国家自然科学基金(60736012,60921002,61070025)和973计划(2005CB321600)资助项目 |
作者 | 单位 | 郝守青 | 中国科学院计算机系统结构重点实验室;中国科学院计算技术研究所;中国科学院研究生院;北京龙芯中科技术服务中心有限公司 | 刘奇 | 中国科学院计算机系统结构重点实验室 | 沈海华 | 中国科学院计算机系统结构重点实验室;中国科学院计算技术研究所;北京龙芯中科技术服务中心有限公司 | 章隆兵 | 中国科学院计算机系统结构重点实验室;中国科学院计算技术研究所;北京龙芯中科技术服务中心有限公司 |
摘要点击次数: 3142 |
全文下载次数: 2418 |
中文摘要: |
针对控制转移开销是影响二进制翻译和优化系统性能的主要因素,进行了提高二进制翻译优化系统性能的研究,提出并实现了硬件设计开销较小的基于硬件内容可寻址存储器(CAM)机制的软硬件协同设计方法。通过实验充分分析了CAM大小、软件替换算法对CAM命中率的影响,并根据分析提出了一种新颖的、软硬件结合的降低CAM访问缺失率的方法。该方法相对于传统的软件和硬件优化方法,硬件实现及验证复杂度低且优化效果明显。实验结果表明该方法使得二进制翻译系统整体性能提高了13.44%。该方法已实际应用于龙芯x86二进制翻译系统中。 |
英文摘要: |
In view of the fact that the cost of control transferring is of great influence on the performance of binary translation and optimization systems, the study was conducted and a novel hardware software co design approach based on the content addressable memory (CAM) was proposed and implemented to reduce the overhead of control transferring. The CAM based method was designed to optimize the indirect branch. The influences of the CAM size and the software replacement algorithm on the CAM’s impact rate were thoroughly analyzed by experiment. Based on that, a novel soft hard combination method for reducing CAM’s access absence rate was proposed. The proposed approach can reduce the design and verification costs. Besides, it achieves good performance. The experimental results show that the system performance can be improved by 13.44% with it. The approach is applied to the Godson 3 binary translation system. |
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