林蔚,颜国正,陈宗尧,史玉婷.径向伸长可控的微型肠道蠕动机器人[J].高技术通讯(中文),2012,22(5):510~515 |
径向伸长可控的微型肠道蠕动机器人 |
A radial increment controllable micro intestinal wriggle robot |
修订日期:2011-02-23 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 肠道, 微型机器人, 阿基米德螺线 |
英文关键词: the intestinal tract, micro robot, Archimedes’ spiral |
基金项目:863计划(2007AA04Z234),国家自然科学基金(31170968),载人航天领域领先研究项目(010203)和上海市科委(09DZ1907400)资助项目 |
作者 | 单位 | 林蔚 | 上海交通大学医学精密工程及智能系统研究所 | 颜国正 | 上海交通大学医学精密工程及智能系统研究所 | 陈宗尧 | 上海交通大学医学精密工程及智能系统研究所 | 史玉婷 | 上海交通大学医学精密工程及智能系统研究所 |
摘要点击次数: 3182 |
全文下载次数: 2330 |
中文摘要: |
针对肠道内特殊的生理结构特征与不同肠段直径的变化,提出了有径向伸长可控的钳位机构的微型肠道蠕动机器人模型。为满足模型需求,设计了阿基米德螺线构成的平面螺旋机构,通过对其自锁能力和伸出杆件的推力的计算验证了此设计模型。机器人控制系统采用分布式设计,本体内电路负责控制机器人单一动作,本体外控制器通过人机接口接收命令后向机器人本体以无线方式发送控制信号。装配完成的机器人实体最大外径约为13.5mm,蜷缩时长度约为50mm,径向伸长量为3.75mm,步距为10mm,满足模型设计要求。 |
英文摘要: |
According to the special physiology structure of the intestinal tract and the variety in its dimension, a model of micro wriggle robot with a radial increment controllable clamping mechanism was proposed. To meet the requirements of the model, a flat helix mechanism that obeys Archimedes’ spiral was designed. The self lockable ability and the pushing force of the stretching shaft were calculated to verify the design. The control system of the robot consists of two parts, the onboard circuit and the external controller. The former takes charge of every single motion, while the latter receives command from the user interface, and sends control signal to the onboard circuit through wireless data transmission. The assembled robot prototype fulfills the model requirements in tests, with the diameter of 13.5mm, the minimal longitude of 50mm, the shaft elongation of 3.75mm, and the step of 10mm. |
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