王天真,汤天浩,张圣杰,Christophe Claramunt.基于灰色预测的粒子滤波算法[J].高技术通讯(中文),2012,22(4):423~428
A particle filter algorithm based on gray forecast
中文关键词: 信息融合, 粒子滤波, 状态空间模型, 灰色预测, 粒子退化
英文关键词: information fusion, particle filter, state-space model, gray forecast, granule degeneration
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51007056),交通部资助项目(2009 329 810 030)和上海市教育委员会重点学科建设(J50602)资助项目
王天真 上海海事大学电气自动化系;法国海军学院研究所布雷斯特 
汤天浩 上海海事大学电气自动化系 
张圣杰 上海海事大学电气自动化系 
Christophe Claramunt 法国海军学院研究所布雷斯特 
摘要点击次数: 3764
全文下载次数: 2392
      The standard particle filter (SPF) algorithm’s problem of low targer tracking performance due to the serious granule degeneration that occurs when the state model deviates the target’s motion state is paid attention, and aiming at this, a particle filter algorithm based on the gray forecast theory, called the PFGF algorithm is presented with the detailed description of it. When the condition model established in advance is no longer suitable for the goal’s proper motion condition, this new algorithm is with the good estimate performance. It reduces the dependence on the beforehand target condition model. The Monte Carlo simulation results show that the new algorithm increases the tracking accuracy without increasing the computation complexity compared with the SPF algorithm. It can overcome the phenomenon of granule degeneration effectively.
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