Rotator attitude measurement using GPS based on Kalman filter algorithm
中文关键词: GPS, 单天线, 卡尔曼滤波, 姿态算法, 旋转
英文关键词: GPS, single antenna, Kalman filter, attitude measurement, rotation
陈跃鹏 北京理工大学机电工程与控制国家级重点实验室 
李东光 北京理工大学机电工程与控制国家级重点实验室 
崔占忠 北京理工大学机电工程与控制国家级重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 3347
全文下载次数: 2628
      The basic principles and methods for real time measurement of the attitude of a rotator using the sinusoidal phase modulation wave of the carrier signal of a single antenna GPS’ receiver were investigated, and a Kalman filter algorithm was designed to achieve rotator attitude measurement. In order to the overcome the shortcomings inherent in multiple antennae measurement such as antenna phase delay and independence between noises, a single antenna was placed at the phase center deviating from the rotating axis. The relationship between the rotational attitude and the GPS carrier signal was analyzed, and the mathematical model for carrier signals was given. In the GPS receiver tracking loop, a Kalman filter model that contains posture information was established. Using the proposed posture algorithm, the MATLAB simulation on the performance of the tracking loop was conducted. The results indicate that the posture algorithm can yield a narrow tracking loop bandwidth, enhance the effectiveness in suppressing noises and tracking rotation signals, and improve the precision of attitude measurement.
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