State of charge estimation of lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles based on an adaptive extended Kalman filter
中文关键词: 自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波(AEKF), 荷电状态(SOC), 参数辨识, 电池模型, 锂离子电池, 电动汽车
英文关键词: adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF), state of charge (SOC), parameter identification, battery model, lithium ion power battery, electric vehicles
熊瑞 北京理工大学电动车辆国家工程实验室 
孙逢春 北京理工大学电动车辆国家工程实验室 
何洪文 北京理工大学电动车辆国家工程实验室 
摘要点击次数: 5656
全文下载次数: 3406
      An adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF) algorithm was adopted to estimate the state of charge (SOC) of lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles. Based on the hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) test, an improved Thevenin battery model was achieved by using the genetic algorithm to optimize the parameter identification method and identify the model parameters from the charge direction and the discharge direction respectively. In addition, the improved model was verified under the dynamic stress test cycle. Further, an AEKF algorithm was adopted to design the approach for estimation of SOC of lithium ion batteries. Finally, the proposed method was verified by the simulation experiment and the bench test under the federal urban driving schedules. It is shown that the improved Thevenin model and the proposed SOC estimation method all have the high accuracy and their maximum errors are 1.70% and 2.53% respectively, and the AEKF algorithm is of robustness and it can efficiently solve the problems of cumulate error and inaccurate initial SOC estimation.
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