QoS aware inversion for composite service selection
中文关键词: 服务质量(QoS), 组合服务, 服务选择, 反演, 动态
英文关键词: quality of service (QoS), composite service, service selection, inversion, dynamic
郑艳伟 中国科学院研究生院北京;中国科学院声学研究所国家网络新媒体工程技术研究中心北京 
倪宏 中国科学院声学研究所国家网络新媒体工程技术研究中心北京 
贡佳炜 中国科学院研究生院北京;中国科学院声学研究所国家网络新媒体工程技术研究中心北京 
刘磊 中国科学院声学研究所国家网络新媒体工程技术研究中心北京 
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      In order to solve the problem that the quality of service (QoS) of a component service is unknown during service selection for a composite service, this paper proposes the concept of QoS aware reverse calculation, i.e. the problem can be converted into the calculation of the normalized QoS of component services, through a detailed analysis. Based on this, an inversion algorithm which calculates the normalized QoS of component services according to the QoS of the composite services is put forward. The inversion algorithm makes the QoS aware service selection possible when the QoS of the component services is unknown. Based on the inversion algorithm, a dynamic strategy to support the change of the QoS of the component services is also proposed. The experimental results show that the normalized QoS of the component services calculated by the algorithm can approximate the true value. If the quality of services changes, the dynamic strategy can update the normalized QoS dynamically, which enhances the accuracy of the service selection
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