Urban traffic prediction based on densely connected spatial-temporal graph attention network of GRU
DOI:10. 3772 / j. issn. 1002-0470. 2024. 05. 003
中文关键词: 交通预测; 时空特征; 神经网络; 门控循环单元(GRU); 密集连接; 图注意力网络(GAT)
英文关键词: traffic prediction, spatio-temporal features, neural network, gated recurrent unit (GRU), densely connected, graph attention network (GAT)
郭海锋* (*浙江工业大学网络空间安全研究院杭州 310014) (**浙江工业大学信息工程学院杭州 310023) 
摘要点击次数: 357
全文下载次数: 265
      Due to the complexity topology of urban traffic network, the real-time change of traffic flow and external environmental factors, there are huge difficulties in traffic prediction. In view of the inadequacy of existing methods in mining the spatio-temporal features of road network and the insufficient consideration of external factors, a spatial-temporal network of dense graph attention network based on gated recurrent unit (GRU) (DG-GRU) is proposed. The function of gated recurrent unit is used to capture the dynamic changes of road network data. Densely connected graph attention network (GAT) is used to extract the complex spatial structure characteristics of the road network. They can establish the dependence of urban traffic network data on time and space. Considering the influence of external factors, the one-hot encoding is used to model the traffic events that occur in urban sections to enhance the information attributes of transportation network. Taking Shenhua Road and its surrounding sections in Hangzhou as an example to verify the predictive ability and feasibility of the network. The experimental results illustrate that the prediction accuracy of the method is up to 81.64%. Compared with traditional mathematical model and mainstream neural network model, the prediction accuracy of DG-GRU is 35.42% higher than that of ARIMA. Compared with graph attention network (GAT) and GRU neural networks, its prediction accuracy is improved by 17.45% and 3.02%, respectively. Experimental results show that the model in this paper can adapt to complex traffic flow and carry out long-term traffic forecasting tasks. Meanwhile, it can enhance traffic management ability and reduce the costs traffic congestion.
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